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RO-OSMO CLEAN-2 is a membrane cleaner specifically designed to remove rust accumulations, iron & other minerals fouling. It is also effective against light calcium carbonate scaling. RO-OSMO CLEAN-2 should be used in accordance to membrane manufacturers recommendations & OEMS. The cleaning solution temperature & pH value also to be adjusted to suit the system procedures to get the best performance. Fouled or scaled RO membranes reduce the system performance. In such case, product flow & quantity get affected. Therefore, preventive maintenance steps maintains the membrane performance & minimize losses. As a part of such steps, periodic cleanups of the membranes is suggested in line of membrane manufacturers & OEM Suppliers. This applies particularly for systems being fed with high metal ion foulants. However, it is suggested to conduct chemical cleanups either when the normalized product flow is reduced by >10% or salt rejection decreases by >10%, or the differential pressure increases by >10%.

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